
The Town of Rossville provides water services to customers within the city limits. Rossville has several wells and a waste water lagoon in providing these services..

The State and EPA require the Town to test and report on our water and waste water testing on a regular basis to ensure its safety. We have met all of these requirements. Results of all test results are available upon request.


Waste Water

The Town of Rossville operates a centralized wastewater treatment plant located within the Town limits.


Backflow Prevention

To protect our drinking water from potential contamination, it is important to have an approved backflow protection assembly/device located on your sprinkler system. Per Tennessee State Law and City Ordinance, a certified backflow tester must perform this test to assure your device is functioning properly when your system is activated. A backflow report must be turned in to the utility clerk every year in the spring when the system is opened and/or shutdown in the fall.



The Town of Rossville is responsible for maintaining unobstructed wastewater flow in the sanitary sewer system. The Town maintains from the main line to the clean-out that is connected to the house. If a blockage occurs at this point, between the clean-out and the main, it is the Town’s responsibility. If the main line is clear to the clean-out, then it is the property owner’s responsibility to notify a plumber to clear the service if needed.

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