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Alert! Prevent Frozen Pipes with These Tips Rossville!

Winter is here, and temps are expected to drop in the coming days. And with those lower temps comes the risk of frozen pipes. So please follow these tips to safeguard your Rossville home:

1️⃣ Set your home thermostats above 55 degrees during cold weather.

2️⃣Drip cold water in the farthest faucet from your main valve to keep pipes from freezing.

3️⃣ Locate shut-off valves for emergencies.

4️⃣ Insulate pipes in unheated areas.

5️⃣ Open cupboards and vanities to warm pipes.

6️⃣ Close inside valves that control water supply.

7️⃣ Open outside spigots to allow water to drain out.

8️⃣ Keep outside valves open to let remaining water expand without causing a break.

9️⃣ Before freezing weather hits, turn off water to outside spigots and drain all water from the line.

🔥 Thawing Frozen Pipes – Quick Steps! 🔥

1️⃣ Check with a neighbor; if they have running water and you don’t, your pipes may be frozen.

2️⃣ Turn off water immediately at the main shut-off valve.

3️⃣ Open a faucet to help melt the ice.

4️⃣ Apply heat using a hair dryer, avoiding flammable materials and open flames.

5️⃣ Once thawed, slowly turn water back on, checking for leaks and cracks.

6️⃣ Inspect all pipes and joints for damage.

🚰 Finding Your Main Water Shut-Off Valve 🚰

1️⃣ Locate the main valve where the water supply enters your house (usually in the basement) or in a concrete box near the street.

2️⃣ If outside, lift the cover with a large screwdriver.

3️⃣ Use a pipe or crescent wrench to turn off the water.

4️⃣ Mark the shut-off valve with fluorescent paint or tape for easy access in the dark.

🏡 Dealing with Burst Pipes – What to Do? 🏡

1️⃣ Shut off your main water valve.

2️⃣ Call a licensed plumber immediately.

❗️ Don’t let winter catch you off guard – share these tips with your friends and family to keep everyone’s homes safe!

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